Tennis Camp for Adult Beginner Intensive

Consolidating the basic technique, developing one’s mind and putting one’s physical conditions at the service of the game are all elements that the intensive tennis camp for beginner adults allows you to work on.

Why do an intensive tennis camp for adult beginner ?

If you discovered tennis some time ago or haven’t played for several years, an adult beginner-level tennis camp could help you consolidate your knowledge while developing your potential.

It all starts with a healthy lifestyle: nutritional advice will be given and daily fitness sessions will help you develop your physical condition. With our advice, you’ll be able to go the distance, both in terms of endurance and strength.

To optimize your game, you will benefit from the advice of a coach: he will help you identify your assets and spot the skills you need to improve. You will start to work on your offensive and defensive skills, perfecting your forehand and backhand to gradually progress.

Finally, the coaching will sharpen your mental strength, which is essential to take it to the next level.


When to do a tennis camp for adult beginner ?


The Academy founded by Patrick Mouratoglou offers intensive courses at beginner level during the week and at weekends, with three hours of tennis per day and one and a half hour of fitness at the centre. If necessary, you can also subscribe to additional options to “boost” the initial course (strengthening of the game, physical and/or mental condition).

Why choose to do an intensive training camp?

Favouring an intensive tennis camp when you are a beginner is the best way to progress quickly. After a few hours of training, the player will already be able to see significant results. Personalized coaching should notably allow him or her to consolidate the bases of the practice, while starting to develop their strong points. There is nothing like an intensive training course to improve their level and start to play matches, or even aspire to participate in their first competitions.

Do you enjoy playing tennis and want to quickly develop your potential by improving your physical condition and discovering new techniques? Sign up now for an intensive tennis camp for beginner adults!

coach apprenant adulte

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