Tennis Camp Teens Training Holidays

Are you looking for ways to help your teenage kid develop their love for tennis without compromising their studies? You are not alone and definitely, not helpless. Attending teens tennis camp training holidays is the solution you should consider.

What Is a Holiday Tennis Training Camp?

This is a routine camp that brings together kids aged 11 and above to train and play during the holidays. It can last a weekend, or from a few weeks to the entire duration of the holiday. The package for the camps varies from one academy to the other.

At Mouratoglou, for example, teens tennis camp training holidays last for 15 days. The teenager can choose to stay within the facility or commute. The holiday training camps often bring together teens from different parts of the world and at varying levels of expertise.

femme tennis

Why Should You Train During the Holiday?

Availability: When schools are closed, many kids have enough time to attend the training camps. Consequently, your kid can have weeks or a few months of unhampered intensive training with others of the same age.

Tournament breaks: Many professional players often have their breaks during this time of the year. As a result, they are available to mentor young talent.

Why Every Tennis-Loving Teenager Should Attend

Teens tennis camp training holidays offer the following benefits to young tennis players:

Maintaining Physical Fitness

If your kid is involved in active sports in school, then they need to keep up the same lifestyle during the holidays to maintain their fitness. On the other hand, if their school life is all books and nothing more, then they need to get involved in an enjoyable physical activity. Either way, a holiday tennis camp is an ideal way to keep your tennis-loving kid physically fit.

Learning the Game

Tennis classes are a crucial part of the teens tennis camp training holidays. Here, teenagers learn the fundamentals of the game from professional trainers and players. Advanced teenagers also gain essential competition-level training to improve their performance on the court.

Participating in Tournaments

At the training camp, there are in-house competitions to prepare young players for college or high school tournaments. Also, Mouratoglou has official tournaments for advanced teenage players during the teens tennis camp training holidays.

Expanding Your Social Network

Tennis is a social game, and attending the teens tennis training camp holidays gives your kid the opportunity to extend their social network and build social skills. Additionally, it offers a chance to identify a professional mentor.

Groupe tennis jeunes
groupe tennis enfants ados

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